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Custom-PLUS Programs

For adventurers who want the ultimate personalized fitness program.

VALUE Fitness Package

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Any questions or concerns about your specific adventure Fit for Trips can help.


  • Most workout programs are designed around general conditioning. Fit for Trips fitness programs incorporate a more unique approach by preparing you for the specific activities that will define your adventure travel trip. Each of our programs is oriented around a philosophy incorporating two basic fitness principles, specificity and periodization.


  • Specificity means that your body will adapt precisely to the stress you put upon it. In other words, if you want to become a better cyclist, you have to get on a bike. Sea kayaking isn't going to make you a stronger hiker. Because of time and financial restraints, most of us are forced to make the best of the time we have and the equipment we have access to during our training. And while it would ideally be beneficial to train on the same roads or mountains that you will encounter on your trip, your boss (or family) probably won't agree!
  • That's why every Fit for Trips program includes exercises and workout intensities that simulate the same stresses and forces on your body that you will experience during your adventure travel trip. This enables your body to handle the unique challenges of your chosen trip itinerary in advance of actually traveling to your destination. By the time you begin your adventure, after completing your Fit for Trips program, both your body and mind will be optimally prepared to get maximum enjoyment out of your adventure.


  • If you continually perform the same workout program, your body will eventually adapt and further gains in fitness will cease to occur. That might be acceptable to support general fitness goals, but this strategy is unacceptable while preparing for the unique demands of your adventure travel experience. Using periodization, Fit for Trips programs systematically change the exercises, level of intensity, repetitions and other elements of training over a period of 8 to 15+ weeks to ensure gradual improvements in your level of fitness and leading to a peak level of optimal physical performance at the exact time you depart for your adventure vacation.
  • Our most effective programs are 8-15 weeks in duration and use the periodization model throughout. However, we have created accelerated programs of 4 weeks for adventure travelers who were introduced to Fit for Trips 4 weeks prior to their departure. Our belief in our programs is strong enough to offer you a full money-back guarantee on each and every program.